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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: large shrimp or crayfish

kabiis tataara

I. N

1. animal,food,shellfish large shrimp or crayfish
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Maamu lakuun su traali, sii su traali, tauli skaik traali. Kabiis tataara bayalpi traali, ikwiskama.
    The river otter (water dog) walks in the lagoon, in the river and on the iceab beach side . It looks for black shrimps to eat.


kabiis tataara
shrimp very big


  • Etnográfica:
    Depending on the speaker, this can refer to either the long-clawed river crayfish, or to the big white shrimp which are caught in the sea in August-September in cast nets. The former is washed out into the lagoon during the rainy season. It is usually caught by hand under rocks, or jabbed with a short staff with a metal blade fashioned by hand ("chuusu," in RCC), or previously with bow and arrow. The former is washed out into the lagoon during the rainy season. It is usually caught by hand under rocks, or jabbed with a short staff with a metal blade fashioned by hand ("chuusu," in RCC), or previously with a bow and arrow. Also trapped in pots about two feet long made of papta and baited with coconut. 2009 Bluefields price about 30 cordobas/lb. (3 large ones/lb.) The big commercial sea shrimps are not usually eaten, but are sold in Bluefields. For auto-consumption and sold in Bluefields. 2009 price 30 cordobas/lb. (3 large ones/lb.) The big white shrimp are usually not consumed, but are sold in Bluefields.